Flip-Flop is a memory element. You can say a basic element. It is a circuit that can hold a binary state (0 or 1 as low or high volts) until an input to change that state. We have many flip-flops as SR Flip-Flop (Set Reset) D Flip-Flop (Data) JK Flip-Flop T Flip-Flop (Toggle) Those Flip-Flops are available in market in IC Package Form. Now You have a circuit that uses 1 JK and 1 D Flip-Flop and 3 NOT Gates. So you have to buy three ICs- one for JK, one for D and other for NOT Gate. Ultimately you will see that a flip flop in IC of JK, a flip-flop in D IC and 3 NOT gates are not used. Now, if you convert a JK flip flop into D flip flop then you didn’t have to pay for the D flip flop IC. So, your circuit will be made by 2 ICs in place of 3 and in cheap cost. This article is for that reason. How the Flip-Flops are converted from one to other. Procedure: 1. Write Qt and Qt+1 Table with 4 combination of 0 and 1. 2. Write columns for inputs of destination Flop-Fl op. 3. Write the ce...
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