A Class named 'intarray' which can store an integer array of different size.
- This Class contains::
- O Constructor with deafault argument value
- At the time of Object creation if array size is missing then An array of size 0 will be created.
- O Copy Constructor
- This Constructor is used to create a new Object from an existing Object.
- O Overloaded Operator =
- This operator is overloaded to assign an intarray object into another object, simply as two integer variables can be made.
- O Overloading Operator [ ]
- As array element can be reffered by its position declaring in Subscript operator ( [ ] ), here every element of an object array can be reffered by [ ] operator.
- O Overloading Operator >>
- This is an input operator. Here we can take input to a object simply by this line cin >> a;. Here a is an intarray object.
- O Overloading Operator <<
- This is an output operator. Here we can get the output of an intarray object by this line cout << a;. Here a is an intarray object.
- O Destructor
- It will free-up the memory space allocated for an object.
#include<iostream.h> class intarray{ // Data Members int *a; //Integer pointer to hold the address of integer array long int size; //Array size public: //Member Functions intarray(int s=0) //Constructor with default value { size=s; if(s) a=new int[s]; else a=NULL; } intarray(intarray &t); // Declaration of Copy Constructor int& operator[](long int i) //[ ] operator overloading function definition { if(i>=0) return a[i]; else return a[size+1]; } intarray operator = (intarray &t); // = operator overloding function declaration friend istream& operator >> ( istream &in, intarray &t); //Opeartor overloading for input Array elements friend ostream& operator << ( ostream &out, intarray &t); //Operator overloading for Display Array Content ~intarray(void) //Destructor Definition { delete [] a; } } intarray::intarray(intarray &t) //Definition of Copy Constructor { size=t.size; if(size) { a=new int[size]; for(long i=0; i<size;i++) a[i]=t.a[i]; } else a=NULL; } intarray intarray::operator = ( intarray &t) //Definition of = Operator Overloading function { if(size) delete [] a; size=t.size; if(size) { a=new int[size]; for(long i=0; i<size;i++) a[i]=t.a[i]; } else a=NULL; return *this; } istream& operator >> ( istream &in, intarray &t) //Definition of >> Operator Overloading function { for(long i=0; i<t.size;i++) in>>t.a[i]; return in; } ostream& operator << ( ostream &out, intarray &t) //Definition of << Operator Overloading function { if(t.size) out<< t.a[0]; for(long i=1;i<t.size;i++) out<<'|'<< t.a[i]; out<< endl; return out; } void main() //main() function starts from here { intarray a(5); cout<<"Enter the array element::\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"The Array contains:: \n"<< a; intarray b(a); cout<<"Here is the Copy of First Array::\n"<< b; cout<<"3rd element of the Array is:: "<< a[2]; a[2]=7; cout<<"\nAfter modifying the 3rd element to 7::\n"<< a; }